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What Is Crip Walk Dance?

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  If you’re based in Southern California or are interested in the underground, then you definitely must have heard of the Crips and the Bloods before. Arguably, they are the largest and most notorious gangs in the United States. Their rivalries weren’t just on the streets. With the  Crip Walk dance  (and correspondingly, the Blood Walk dance), the gangs’ rivalries even went on to the entertainment realm. In this article, we will take a closer look at one of the greatest ‘creations’ and most recognizable signatures of the Crips gang: the Crip Walk (or C-Walk). What Is Crip Walk Dance? Over the years, there have been many different variations of the Crip Walk. The classic C-Walk is meant to be used as a gang sign. Members of the Crips would perform the dance to display their affiliation. And similar to the hand sign, it also serves as a way for members to recognize one another. The performer of the classic C-Walk would spell the four words C-R-I-P with their footwork. Alternatively, memb

What Is Krumping Dance?

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  Krumping dance is one of the many flavors of street dancing. What sets it apart from all others is that it is probably one of the most energetic and aggressive styles out there. A dancer has to constantly be on the move and execute a series of tricky, high-speed maneuvers. Because of its aggressiveness and sharp, powerful movements, krumping has been mistaken by many as a brutal, thuggish dance. This is far from the truth. In today’s article, we’ll be delving deep into this dance, from its history, all the way to its techniques and styling. You’ll find that it is a far more peaceful and philosophical dance than what the rumors said! Krumping Dance Definition The word “krump” actually came from the lyrics of a 1990 song. Later, dancers would turn the word into an acronym for “Kingdom Radically Uplifted Mighty Praise”. The religious slash spiritual connotation is intentional. Back in the 90s, a lot of young dancers pushed for krumping to become a faith-based artistic dance style. Sourc

Why Are Ballerinas So Skinny?

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  Alongside glamorous costumes and graceful movements, ballerinas are also known for their figures. Even people who don’t know much about ballet know that ballet dancers go to great lengths to keep their bodies slim. But  why are ballerinas so skinny?  Is it essential? The short answer is, yes, it is a part (albeit a controversial part) of ballet. In this article, we will explore this topic in greater depth. It is astonishing to know how much sweat and tears were behind the performances on stage. Ideal Ballet Body The Balanchine Creation Many sources agree that George Balanchine was the creator behind the current body standards for modern-day ballerinas. He was a legendary ballet dancer and choreographer who contributed much to ballet as a major performance art form. He’s known to be very particular about the dancers he works with and is quite strict about the shapes of their bodies. Thus, many sources have pointed out that it’s very likely that the current body standard for ballerinas