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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2023

What Is Fandango Dance?

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  The Fandango dance is more than just a foreign word in the lyrics of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody.” Since the 1700s, it’s been one of the more popular Latin dances in the repertoire. Even today, centuries after the peak of its popularity came and went, the Fandango still has small communities around the world dedicated to practicing and teaching it. Energetic and lively, what’s not to love? But knowing about the Fandango is one thing, if you’re truly invested in this dance, you’ll probably want to know its origin and history, too. That’s what today’s article will be about: exploring the origins of the Fandango dance, tracing its roots back to its early beginnings, and examining how it has evolved over time! What Is Fandango Dance? But first, for the uninitiated, let’s talk about what the Fandango dance is, first. It is a Spanish partner dance (meaning performing is a team of two dancers or a couple). The dancers will move in a series of rhythmic Fandango dance steps and turns, accompan